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Ti-Sarana Buddhist Association

303 Guillemard Rd, Singapore 399741

About this place

We are a Therevada-based Buddhist organisation and practice the Sri-Lankan tradition of Buddhism.

OUR VISION is to propagate the study and practice of Buddhism (Buddha Dhamma) and OUR MISSION is to promote Buddhism for the benefits of its members and devotees by:

  • Conducting Dhamma classes, lectures and discussions; printing and publishing Buddhist literature and maintaining a library of Buddhist books and publications.
  • Observing and performing the following celebrations including Poya days (New Moon & Full Moon Service); Special Overnight Blessing Service on New Year’s Eve, Lunar New Year Blessing Service, Vesak; Kathina; Qing Ming and Ullambana Service (Lunar Seventh Month Festival).
  • Rendering and performing Buddhist religious services voluntarily and free-of-charge to members and devotees. These services include Blessing for the sick, Blessing for the departed upon death and at the funeral; Blessing for the home; Blessing for birthday; and Blessing for wedding.
  • Providing welfare services to people in Singapore and other countries as determined on a case-to-case basis.

More info: https://www.tisarana.sg/about-tba/



  • Every Sunday 10:30am - 12:30pm: Puja, Dhamma talk, and discussion followed by vegetarian lunch.
  • See https://www.facebook.com/tisaranaSG and https://www.tisarana.sg/services/ for more info


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303 Guillemard Rd, Singapore 399741