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The Lion’s Roar Sunday Morning English Service

13 October 2024, 11:00 AM - 29 December 2024, 01:00 PM

About this event

Commencing on Sunday, 25th March 2012, the Dharma Propagation Committee of the Singapore Buddhist Federation ("the SBF") launches its Sunday Morning Service (English) with its theme "THE LION'S ROAR". This theme epitomizes the unsurpassed and marvelous qualities and spiritual majesty of the Buddha and his teachings, the Dhamma, which he discovered and taught out of compassion and love for the welfare and happiness of divine and human beings.

The purpose of this regular Sunday Morning Service is the teaching and sharing of the Dhamma by Sangha and Lay teachers and practitioners. This continues the exhortation by the Buddha to his 4 categories of ordained and lay Disciples (the Bhikkus, Bhikkunis, Upasikas and Upasakas) to promote and share the Dhamma because the practice of the Dhamma is conducive and contributes to mental and material well being, harmony and progress... leading finally to ultimate happiness, well being and freedom called "Nibbana" or "Enlightenment".

The Service shall begin with a short salutatory chants to the Triple Gem and Puja, followed by an hour's Dharma talk, a "Q&A" session and concluded with a "Dedication and Sharing of Merits".

Source: https://buddhist.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Lion_Roar.pdf


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